Information about the ACPS App
Amherst County Public Schools now has an App for both Apple and Android devices. Search your App Store for "Amherst County Public Schools" and you should find it. Among other things, the App will allow us to send you push notifications in addition to phone calls, texts, and emails.
School Messenger
Amherst County Public Schools (ACPS) has recently implemented a new school notification system called SchoolMessenger. SchoolMessenger is fully integrated with the Parent Portal in PowerSchool. You will need to log into the Parent Portal to update your contact information and set your preferences for how you would like to be contacted in situations such as weather closings or for other notifications. Please contact your school directly if you have changes to current phone numbers or addresses. If you do not have Parent Portal access, you will need visit your child's school(s) with a photo ID for your PowerSchool Parent Portal login credentials. To visit the Parent Portal, click the Parent Portal link located on the left of the page.
**Please remember to update your information as things change such as home phone numbers, cell phone numbers and email address. Some options can be configured in the parent portal while other changes may require you visit your child's school**
We hope that this new tool will provide another opportunity for efficient communication. Feel free to contact your student's school if you need further assistance registering for the Parent Portal; or contact Kevin Harrison at or 946-9340 x9553.
SMS Text Messaging Requirements
SchoolMessenger requires each phone number that will receive a text message to first opt-in. You can opt-in ahead of time (see below) or wait for the opt-in text message once we enable the texting function. There are only two requirements for a recipient to receive messages from ACPS via SMS text: an opt-in confirmation receipt sent from the recipient's wireless device and the recipient's wireless number imported into your SchoolMessenger account. Your wireless number should be automatically imported to your SchoolMessenger account once we enable the texting function.
Opt-in Device Confirmation
Each mobile device number(s) that recipients wish to receive text messages on must be opted into the SchoolMessenger service. This is as simple as texting an opt-in keyword - Yes or Y being the most commonly used - to the SchoolMessenger short code 67587.
The wireless carriers require that common short code providers have the capability to verify that a particular phone number did indeed agree to allow you to send them text messages. The recipient's text of Yes or Y to the SchoolMessenger short code is this verification.