Bus Rules and Safety 
Notice for Elementary students:
Amherst County Public Schools require that a parent, guardian, or authorized person be visible at the bus stop for the students in the morning &/or afternoons. Being “VISIBLE” at the bus stop means the bus driver can physically see person whose responsible for the student.
Pick-up and drop-off times:
Pick-up and drop-off times are estimated by our routing system which can not factor in delays for road work, accidents, etc.; therefore you must be at the designated bus stop location 7-10 minutes BEFORE and AFTER the given time. Our bus drivers make every effort possible to keep the times as consistent as possible.
Crossing the road:
We make every effort to avoid having Amherst County Public School students from crossing the road; however there are some situations where a student may need to. In the event of such situations the school bus driver will make sure that the student(s) can safely cross the road, once all traffic is stopped and the stop arm has been activated on the bus. At that point, the bus driver will waive the student(s) across the road. For the safety of the student, elementary students will not be allowed to cross the road getting on or getting off of the bus without a parent, guardian, older sibling or authorized person. In the event that a parent, guardian, or authorized person refuses to cross the road, the student will be returned to the school.
Allowable distance for school bus stops:
Our office works diligently to accommodate school bus stops as much as possible. Unfortunately we are unable to make door to door stops for every student. Elementary student bus stops must be 0.3 of a mile or less. High school/middle school bus stops must be 0.5 of a mile or less. School buses are not allowed to travel on private roads or unpaved roads.
School Bus rules:
Students are expected to adhere to specific school bus safety rules as a condition of this privilege to ride the school bus to/from their school of attendance. Violations of safety rules can create a dangerous situation for all of the bus riders. Students who do not respond appropriately to these requirements or the instructions given by their bus driver will be reported to the school administrator. Consequences may include loss of school bus riding privilege when their conduct represents a threat to other passengers or to the safe operation of the school bus. Amherst County Public Schools School Bus rules are as follows:
• Arrive at the bus stop at least 7-10 minutes BEFORE your scheduled bus time.
• Wait for the bus in a safe place away from the edge of the road BUT where the bus driver can see you. Do not wait in cars, on the porch, in the door-way or in any other location where the driver will not immediately see you upon arriving at your bus stop.
• Once you board the school bus, sit down in your assigned seat as soon as possible. Do not stop and chat with friends or other students on the way to your assigned seat.
• Stay seated at ALL times and face forward. Quickly take off your backpack and put it in your lap. Bulky items, such as instruments, MUST remain in the floor between your legs, NOT in the seat.
• Keep your hands, arms, legs and head INSIDE the bus at ALL times.
• DO NOT throw objects from bus windows.
• Be polite and talk quietly. DO NOT cause distractions for the bus driver by talking loud or making loud noises which could possibly lead to accidents.
• LISTEN to the bus driver and follow directions.
• No food, drink or gum on the bus.
• Do not cause any damage to the school bus or the bus seats. Vandalism of the school bus may result in suspension of revocation of the students riding privilege; parents will be held financially responsible for the cost of repairing damage to the school bus.
• No animals, glass, aerosol products, dangerous objects, laser pointers flammable or controlled substances
Cell phone policy on the school bus:
Cellular phones may be used by students being transported on ACPS buses and vans. Students may use their phones to send text messages, access social media, access the internet, listen to music, or to watch videos. Student are REQUIRED to utilize ear buds or headphones when viewing videos or listening to music. Students are NOT allowed to make phone calls, record images or sound, or take pictures. All content being accessed must be within the guidelines of the ACPS acceptable use policy. Students must NOT wear ear buds or headphones while loading or unloading the school bus or while crossing the road in front of the bus.
School Bus Safety:
Safety Starts at the Bus Stop
Your child should arrive at the bus stop at least 7-10 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Visit the bus stop and show your child where to wait for the bus: at least three giant steps (six feet) away from the curb. Remind your child that the bus stop is not a place to run or play.
Get On and Off Safely
When the school bus arrives, your child should wait until the bus comes to a complete stop, the door opens, and the driver says it’s okay before approaching the bus door. Your child should use the handrails to avoid falling.
Use Caution Around the Bus
Your child should never walk behind a school bus. If your child must cross the street in front of the bus, tell him/her to walk on a sidewalk or along the side of the street to a place at least ten giant steps in front of the bus before crossing. Your child should also make eye contact with the bus driver before crossing to make sure the driver can see him/her.
REMEMBER, if you cannot see the driver’s face they cannot see yours. If your child drops something near the school bus, like a ball or book, the safest thing is for your child to tell the bus driver right away. Your child should not try to pick up the item, because the driver might not be able to see him/her.