100% Learning w/ Virtual Virginia

100% Full-Time Learning through Virtual Virginia (VVA) is available to students with a documented medical need from a physician. Requests may be submitted at any time but it does not guarantee enrollment once classes have begun for each semester. Depending on class capacity, Virtual Virginia may not grant permission to enroll ACPS students.


Requests with documentation may be sent via email to:


Dr. Marie Petrone

Director of Student/Family Wellness & Attendance



Mrs. Tracy Miller-Goode

Supervisor of School Counseling and VVA Division Coordinator



Virtual Virginia

  Access the VVA Site here:   https://virtualvirginia.org/k-12/ 

Parent Auditor Account enables parents/guardians to access teacher contact information, monitor student login activity, and view course grades, all within the VVA Student Information System (SIS). This is automatically created once your student is enrolled in Virtual VA. 

Accessing your Parent Auditor Account

Once the counselor of record at your local school has created your Parent Auditor Account, you will receive an automated email with your Parent Auditor Account username. If you do not have this username, please contact the counselor of record at your local school.

Follow these steps to retrieve your password and access your new account:

  1. Click the Login button in the main navigation menu of the Virtual Virginia website. (See the top-right of this page.)
  2. Select “Virtual Virginia Program (K–12),” and click Login.
  3. To retrieve your Parent Auditor Account password, click Forgot your login and/or Password? Click here to recover your password.
  4. Enter the email address used to create your Parent Auditor Account and click Submit. An email will be sent to the email address used by the local school to create your Parent Auditor Account.
  5. Remember, your username should have been provided in an automated email after the account was created. If you have not received it, please contact the school counselor of record.

Attendance is monitored

Students must engage in their course content EVERY DAY