RFPs and Bids

The Amherst County Purchasing Department manages procurement of goods and services for both the county government and Amherst County Public Schools. Its' goal is to obtain the maximum value for tax dollars spent. Please visit the Amherst County Purchasing Department website for the Purchasing Manual which outlines the policies and procedures used for performance of the county's procurement function.
The RFP's & Bids division of the Amherst County Purchasing Department is responsible for developing the request for purchase and bid information to be disseminated to vendors and contractors interested in working with the County of Amherst.  Request for Proposals & Invitation for Bids will be properly advertised through newspapers of local circulation, posting in public facilities, direct solicitation and/or posting on the Amherst County Purchasing Department website.  Please visit the Amherst County RFPs and Bids website.

For all questions please contact:
Melissa Woodard, Purchasing Manager
Email: mdwoodard@countyofamherst.com
Phone: (434) 946-9308
Fax: (434) 946-9370